#CptsLogs: The spirit and heart of Atlanta.

From the moment I got off the airplane and before I walked into the terminal at Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport home of Delta Air Lines.
The Georgia Aquarium immediately started calling out to me. There are ads posted on the inside walls of the jet-bridge, all around the interior and portion of the exterior of airport. I spent over three weeks in Atlanta for business and I must say from day one I was absolutely curious. My partner and I made plans to visit before we even checked into our hotel. As soon as we had a the day off we headed downtown. As expected downtown Atlanta on Saturday afternoon was very busy.
If you do need to a rental, Rentalcar.com is the best option.
Surprisingly finding an all day parking was relatively easy, as longs as your ok with dishing out $20 cash. There are signs around directing traffic to specific aquarium parking, but we didn't see them in time. We parked in a parking lot just across from the aquarium. Note: We could not find a working pay station to pay for our parking, and the ones that appeared to work seemed questionable. A gentle man directing traffic saw us looking around, he actually stop directing traffic and walked from the middle of the street towards us and said "that will be $20." I forked over the cash, and he immediately shoved it in his pocket. Will I get a ticked/receipt? I asked. He responded no, I’ll be here all day. We both thought it was a bit odd but we moved on. I recommend if you’re going downtown Atlanta just to tour the city just grab an Uber. Once your downtown you can easily get around by foot.
The Aquarium main entrance wasn’t too far from where we’d parked. Summer in Atlanta is no joke. We were maybe a hundred feet from the main entrance and I was dripping with sweat from the high humidity. We didn’t pre-order our tickets, but you can if you so desire using tripadvisor. Note: Just be carefully, the aquarium requires you to literally print your receipt from tripadvisor and physically hand it over to the ticketing counter in order for you to get the actually ticket to get in the aquarium. They keep the printed copy in their inventory so showing a digital copy will not work, the physical copy is required. Either book the trip and print the receipt while you’re at home or the hotel. I recommend to just go to the ticketing counter to purchase your ticket or use one of the multiple kiosk at the main entrance, it’s fairly efficient.
Initially I thought the price for one adult ticket was rather steep, I was expecting maybe $28. After tax and everything it came out to a whopping $44 for just one adult. But after I thought about it, with everything they’re doing I can understand. "It’s kinda like going to a sea food restaurant, it's almost always more expensive." Another thing if you buy your ticket using another agency there might be a price difference of a couple dollars.
You then go through a checkpoint where they scan you for metals and so on. My first impression once I was actually inside was man they definitely cater to the kids. Ohh yea expect to get ran over, stepped on and shouted at by kids everywhere. Honestly the first glimpse inside wasn’t what I’d expected. I was finally in, but “man where's all the fish?” You stand into main lobby area where you have the access to explore different exhibits upstairs and down stairs. The jelly fishes, dolphins, beluga whales and whale sharks were absolutely my favorites.
Take the time and explore, this is definitely a half day event because of the time it takes to walk around. Learn and take it all in, you'll truly enjoy what the aquarium has to offer. They also have several different shows throughout out the day that starts at a particular time. For example the the 4D theatre, in the beginning I had no idea what this was about but I must say I truly enjoyed it. Like most people I've been to a 3D theatre this was my first 4D, my experience was "un-expecting, Amazed and intrigued."
The dolphin show was a true spectacle, a site of "wonder". Remember if you don’t want to get wet during the dolphin show sit at-least pass the 11th rows.
The Georgia Aquarium from what I can see is truly the heart of Atlanta. From where it’s located, their presents, vision and goals. I’m not a zoologist or am I an expert in this field, but as a person who really loves animals and care for their well beings I really felt the aquarium was appropriate and comfortable to visit. Designed for all ages; bring the family! With all types of fishes, seals, penguins, beluga whales, dolphins, whale sharks, and plenty more residing in over ten million gallons of marine and salt water. The Georgia Aquarium is good place to learn about the currently situation occurring in the ocean ecosystem and help support what is being done to promote change.